IPL or photo facial care is used to solve many skin problems, such as redness and hyperpigmentation, with little downtime. IPL uses light energy to reverse visible signs of aging due to general environmental wear. It can also help stimulate the production of collagen and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
This is a comprehensive and efficient facial care system and a multifunctional beauty equipment integrating the top core technologies of SHR, e-light and IPL. It is mainly used for depilation, rejuvenation, firming skin, acne removal, etc.
SHR stands for Super Hair Removal and is the latest breakthrough innovation of IPL permanent hair removal. Compared with traditional IPL hair removal treatments, SHR is faster, easier and most important-far less painful than traditional IPL and laser treatments!
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is most commonly used by doctors and beauticians under the guidance of a doctor, as a method of removing body hair. The intense pulsed light hair removal process has become very popular due to its cheaper and faster process than laser hair removal. Scientists, equipment manufacturers, and practitioners have debated the effectiveness of intense pulsed light and laser hair removal, but generally agree that the results are about the same. It is also used to treat the skin in a process called photorejuvenation.
Super Hair Removal Technology (SHR) – a revolutionary new method for permanent hair removal that is virtually pain & sideeffect free. In comparison to other slightly dated laser and IPL methods, SHR provides faster, safer and pain free hair reduction treatments for clients.
The machine can be used to treat various skin conditions and diseases. It provides fast and reliable treatment. It is suitable for all skin types, skin problems, and can be used on any part of the body.